Game Trees
Minimax: Assumes players play optimally
Expectimax: Assume opponent play randomly, value calculated is strictly larger than Minimax
\(\alpha\): MAX’s best option on path to root / minimum value that MAX is assured of
\(\beta\): MIN’s best option on path to root / maximum value that MIN is assured of
In the maximizer, any value that's more than \(\beta\) will be disregarded by its parent minimizer
When we see a \(v \geq \beta\) in MAX, we know that MAX's value will be no less than \(\beta\) and
will be ignored, so no further evaluation is needed
In the minimizer, any value that's less than \(\alpha\) will be disregarded by its parent maximizer
When we see a \(v \leq \alpha\) in MIN, we know that MIN's value will be no more than \(\alpha\) and
will be ignored, so no further evaluation is needed
Utility of an action = expected value of an action
Agent can be risk-neutral, risk-adverse, risk-seeking depending on its preferred action