Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Unary: involving 1 variable only
n-ary: involving at most n variables
Backtracking Search
Assign 1 variable at a time
Check constraints as you go
Return result if all constraints are satisfied, otherwise un-assign value
Fix an ordering for variables since assignments are commutative \(X_0: 1, X_1: 2 \equiv X_0: 2, X_1:
Assign the current variable to a value that doesn't conflict with the previous values, if none
exists, backtrack
Forward Checking:
Cross off values that violate a constraint when added to the existing assignment
i.e. enforce constraints on future values / propagates information from assigned to unassigned
Forward Checking cont.
When a variable is assigned, all constraints related to it are checked
Does not propagate information from variable to variable
Arc Consistency:
Check consistency for all arcs between variables
If a variable loses a value in its domain, all its neighbors need to be checked
Arc Consistency cont.
Arc Consistency always removes more values than Forward Checking since it checks other arcs on top
of checking the forward arc
Still runs inside a backtracking search
Arc consistency removes more values by checking more relationships between variables: AC checks
consistency between every pair of variables, and re-checks after domain pruning, while FC only
checks between
assigned and unassigned variables.
AC-3 complexity: \(O\left(e d^{3}\right)\)
MRV (Minimum Remaining Values): Choose most constrained variable to assign
LCV (Least Constraining Value): Choose the value that rules out the fewest neighboring variables
A Graph of \(n\) variables with domain \(d\):
Worst case \(O(d^n)\)
Break into \(c\) sub-graphs with \(n/c\) variables each:
Worst case \(O(c \cdot (d^{n/c}))\)
Tree Structured CSP:
Choose variables in topological ordering
Can be solved in \(O(nd^2)\)
No backtracking w/ AC.
Cut-Sets can be identified s.t. after removing the cut-set, the remaining graph is a tree
Instantiate a case for each of the assignments for the cut-set, then solve the remaining graph in
linear time.
With a cut-set of size \(c\), the complexity is now \(O\left(d^{c}(n-c) d^{2}\right)\)
Iterative Improvement
Min-conflicts: any variable violating a constraint can be reassigned to another value that minimizes
violations given that other variables are unchanged